Beyond the bedside: nurse-led research

Podcast: Research Pulse, Episode 01.

In our first episode of Research Pulse, we speak to Respiratory Nurse Consultant Karen Royals about her exciting research into the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

We learn about:

  • the distinction between nursing research and medical research
  • the role of respiratory nurses in assisting people with COPD
  • Karen’s qualitative research on the management of COPD, highlighting the benefits that respiratory nursing services can provide


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About Karen Royals

Karen Royals is currently undertaking a PhD at The University of Adelaide which is focussed on the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). She is a member of the Respiratory Research Group at the Basil Hetzel Institute, TQEH.

In 2021, she won the South Australian Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Award for Excellence in Research and Knowledge Translation.


About COPD

COPD is a preventable chronic condition indicated by a progressive reduction of airflow through the lungs.

People with COPD experience a number of symptoms and manifestations of the disease which negatively impact their quality of life: breathlessness, chronic cough, sputum production, wheezing, chest tightness, fatigue, anxiety, depression and weight loss.


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