Consumer experience
Central Adelaide LHN is committed to delivering a better experience for our patients and the community.
This includes partnering with consumers and listening to the feedback consumers and their families provide us, giving us valuable information on where we are doing well and where we can improve.
CALHN’s Consumer Experience Team has had specific training in LGBTQIA+ Awareness and are here to field your feedback in a respectful way.
All feedback is provided in a number of ways including through our consumer feedback process and the South Australian Consumer Experience and Surveillance System (SACESS).
South Australian Consumer Experience and Surveillance System (SACESS)
SA Health regularly surveys a random sample of patients aged over 16 years who had an overnight hospital stay at all public hospitals.
Within CALHN the surveys focus on patients who have stayed the RAH and TQEH with the survey conducted two months after discharge from these hospitals.
Asking patients to report on their experiences support efforts to place consumers at the focus of health care safety and quality improvements.
Read SA Health’s Measuring Consumer Experience Reports
Consumer compliments, feedback or complaints
To provide feedback about your experience with any CALHN site or service, see Compliments and complaints.
We acknowledge and pay respect to the First Nations Kaurna people upon whose ancestral land the Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) provides services.
We acknowledge the relationship and deep feelings of attachment between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and Country, and we acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the many lands from which our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers travel to receive services.
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