by CALHN | 12 Jun, 2021 | Central Adelaide LHN Staff, GP News
A desire to provide more flexible employment options for medical staff is the intent behind Central Adelaide Local Health Network’s latest medical recruitment drive. Registered Clinical Professionals are invited to become part of CALHN’s world-class flexible...
by CALHN | 15 Mar, 2021 | Central Adelaide LHN Staff
Staff across Central Adelaide LHN have been given access to the ‘Be Well Tracker’ – a tool which empowers them with information on their own wellbeing and mental health. Central Adelaide is the first LHN to partner with the South Australian Health and Medical...
by CALHN | 23 Feb, 2021 | Central Adelaide LHN Staff, COVID-19
As part of the COVID-19 response, almost 700 nurses were prepared and trained with specialist knowledge and skills required to treat patients, and at the helm of this education process were nurse educators Natalie Vinczer and Gigy Cherian. After seeing European...