by Sarah Keenihan | 23 Dec, 2024 | Articles, BreastScreen SA
For the first time ever, BreastScreen SA has performed more than 100,000 mammograms in one year. Forty-four-year-old Melissa from Marion underwent the milestone mammogram while getting her first ever screen at the Marion Clinic. “I was a bit nervous because you...
by Sarah Keenihan | 24 Sep, 2024 | Articles, Central Adelaide LHN Staff, RAH, Research
Inviting men to talk with their doctors about issues “below the belt” might just save their lives, according to a new paper from Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN). Erectile problems and waking up to urinate multiple times in the night are relatively common...
by Sarah Keenihan | 29 Apr, 2024 | Articles, Research, TQEH
The first days after going home from hospital can feel scary. Proactive healthcare to support people after they are released from hospital is the focus of a new nurse-led program being trialled at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH). Known as TToMMI (Telehealth...
by Sarah Keenihan | 17 Oct, 2023 | Articles, RAH
The transition from childhood to adulthood brings many challenges. There’s an extra layer for people with multiple medical needs, as they must also navigate a move from child to adult healthcare services. Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN)...