by CALHN | 9 Sep, 2021 | Central Adelaide LHN Staff, Community, COVID-19, RAH
South Australians will be able to receive their COVID-19 vaccination sooner as the Wayville vaccination clinic doubles in size overnight, offering an additional 33,700 appointments. The clinic ran as usual on Monday before closing its doors at 4pm so builders...
by CALHN | 3 Sep, 2021 | Central Adelaide LHN Staff, Community, RAH
Sue and Paddy have been married for 39 years and share a common love for volunteering together at the RAH. This year, CALHN is celebrating the 50th year of the Royal Adelaide Hospital Volunteers – fondly known to many as the Lavender Lads and Ladies or ‘vollies’. ...
by CALHN | 2 Sep, 2021 | Central Adelaide LHN Staff, Community, RAH, TQEH
Patients undergoing palliative treatment and end-of-life care at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) are provided with a kit to support communications. Removing the burden of her family needing to make decisions if she cannot speak for herself is one of the requests...
by CALHN | 23 Aug, 2021 | Central Adelaide LHN Staff, Community, RAH
Incorporating music therapy into his care plan helped Brian to cope with open-heart surgery and his fear of hospitals. In his room at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH), Brian is a long way from his family, his country and community in Alice Springs, while he...
by CALHN | 20 Aug, 2021 | Central Adelaide LHN Staff, Community, COVID-19, RAH
An outreach program run by the Wayville vaccination clinic is providing vital COVID-19 vaccinations to Cystic Fibrosis patients at the RAH. “It’s not about the individual anymore – it may be an individual choice, but it’s for the greater benefit of the...