Volunteering at CALHN
Help provide world-class care by volunteering with us
We are looking for new volunteers to join us at all our metropolitan hospital sites, helping to support patients, their families and our healthcare staff.
The positive impact of our volunteers is immense, with all our hospitals dependent on our volunteers to fulfil a variety of roles.
Volunteering is incredibly rewarding and valuable, giving you the chance to:
- give back and be a valued part of our community
- make new friends with fellow volunteers and staff
- learn new skills and gain some great experience
See all our metropolitan hospital sites across Adelaide and apply now to your preferred location.
Come and be part of the volunteers team!
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
The Friends of The Queen Elizabeth Hospital volunteers offer a range of important services across the TQEH, with special emphasis on helping those without family assistance.
Services include:
- walking guides
- emergency department volunteers
- trolley service for inpatients
- laundry service
- assisting in the gift shop.
Find out more about volunteering at the TQEH and get in touch to receive a volunteer application pack.
Royal Adelaide Hospital
The Volunteer Services Unit at the RAH is looking for volunteers to help in their inpatient areas, assisting and supporting patients in a variety of ways, from guiding visitors to the correct location within the hospital, laundry service, kiosk and many more areas.
See all current RAH volunteer opportunities
Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
The Volunteer Services Unit at Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre is looking for volunteers to help in a range of roles, including assisting in the kiosk, patient escorts, inpatient support, sewing room, laundry service and personal care.
See all current HRC volunteer opportunities
Repat Health Precinct
The Volunteer Services Unit at the Repat Health Precinct is looking for volunteers to help in their inpatient areas, assisting and supporting patients in a variety of departments.
We acknowledge and pay respect to the First Nations Kaurna people upon whose ancestral land the Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) provides services.
We acknowledge the relationship and deep feelings of attachment between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and Country, and we acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the many lands from which our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers travel to receive services.
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