Traditional Healing for patient and staff wellbeing at CALHN

CALHN’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing Hub provides Ngangkaṟi traditional healing as an organisation-wide service.

Originating in the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, Ngangkaṟi services are delivered by Aboriginal traditional healers from Aṉangu Ngangkaṟi Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation.

Access to Ngangkaṟi at CALHN provides care and cultural safety for Aboriginal consumers, enhances wellbeing for staff, and strengthens cultural awareness and understanding of Aboriginal healing practices and culture.

Traditional Healing is a form of complimentary care provided by a Ngangkaṟi.

“The Ngangkaṟi is a good thing to have in the hospital,” said one of CALHN’s Aboriginal patients.


“It makes you feel better, like at home”.


Boosting wellbeing for patients and staff

The Ngangkaṟi clinic and cultural healing practices improve healthcare outcomes for Aboriginal people through supporting the social, spiritual, emotional and wellbeing needs of consumers alongside CALHN’s physical health services and western medical models of care.

For Aboriginal patients and families, the inclusion of Ngangkaṟi healing in patient care provides cultural safety.

Availability of Ngangkaṟi as a specialist service supports the strength and continuation of Aboriginal culture and traditional healing practices.

One of CALHN’s Aboriginal staff members said,

“… it was welcoming to see traditional practices incorporated as an option for staff wellbeing.


[…] I truly value the access to the Ngangkaṟi; it aligns me, spiritually, emotionally and physically.”


Ngangkaṟi is also available for non-Aboriginal staff members.

“… it was very meaningful for me to witness […],” said one of our non-Aboriginal staff members.


“Ngangkaṟi is worthwhile for non-Aboriginal staff and consumers to gain a more holistic understanding of Aboriginal healthcare, and I can fully appreciate why this service can be deeply therapeutic for Aboriginal people.”


Traditional Healing at The Hub

CALHN’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing Hub (The Hub) is a home away from home, providing care, comfort and support for Aboriginal inpatients and consumers from across Adelaide, regional and remote SA, and interstate.

A Ngangkari clinic is hosted by The Hub at its Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) site, and healing services are provided during dedicated clinic days.

Ngangkaṟi is available for CALHN inpatients and outpatients, ‘hospital in the home’ patients and diverse consumers across our sites and services.

Ngangkaṟi healing services are also offered to CALHN staff as a wellbeing initiative, with an organisation-wide instruction in place to assist clinical and clinical support staff in accessing the practices.


For more information

Interested to learn more about Ngangkaṟi or any other aspect of healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?

Get in touch with staff at CALHN’s Hub, located on level 3 near the main entrance of Royal Adelaide Hospital, Port Road, Adelaide.

You can also call on (08) 7074 5460 or email using this address:


This story is part of our series for National Close the Gap Day 2025.
National Close the Gap Day 2025 aims to help drive better health outcomes and wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, through agency, leadership and reform.