Researchers and clinicians from Central Adelaide Local Health Network won two Driving Innovation prizes in the 2023 Premier’s Excellence Awards. The innovation categories recognise public servants who have demonstrated commitment and support for new ideas and...
Video series: Translating Research In this episode, we hear about research aimed at helping patients recover muscle mass lost during a stay in an intensive care unit (ICU). We learn that while more patients are surviving ICU, slow recovery and delayed discharge...
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) is seeking participants for a study examining new therapies for the treatment and prevention of knee osteoarthritis. The study is seeking 260 knee osteoarthritis patients, aged 40 – 64 years, for a 6-month randomised controlled...
A focus on improving communications to optimise patient safety was the genesis for a Quality Briefing initiative which has embedded a culture of ‘safety-first’. A weekly Quality Briefing initiative, implemented by Dr Chris Zeitz and the Cardiology Team at The Queen...
Life-changing research at the Royal Adelaide Hospital is helping people with Parkinson’s disease live more comfortable, satisfying and active lives. Associate Professor Thomas Kimber is the Clinical Lead of the Movement Disorders Service (Central Adelaide Local Health...