by Sarah Keenihan | 20 Jun, 2024 | Articles, Central Adelaide LHN Staff, RAH, Refugee Health Service, Research
Clinical Professor Phan Nguyen arrived as a refugee in Australia in 1981. Now he’s the head of unit in the Department of Thoracic Medicine at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH), Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN). “My work is constant and quite high...
by Sarah Keenihan | 14 Jun, 2023 | Articles, Central Adelaide LHN Staff, Refugee Health Service
Experiencing poor health is difficult at the best of times. If you’re a new migrant, navigating an entirely foreign health system in a second language can make it even more challenging. The Refugee Health Service is a specialist state-wide health service for refugees...
by CALHN | 29 Jun, 2021 | Central Adelaide LHN Staff, Community, COVID-19, RAH
Refugee Health Service (RHS) expands its vaccination program to increase access to the COVID-19 vaccine for refugees and asylum seekers. CALHN’s Refugee Health Service has vaccinated around 40 new arrivals against COVID-19 since it expanded its vaccination program to...