by Sarah Keenihan | 22 Feb, 2024 | Articles, Central Adelaide LHN Staff, RAH
Blood loss is a major challenge after traumatic accidents and for some surgery patients. As managers within the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) Anaesthetic Nursing Team, Therese and Daryl have established a team of specifically trained nurses that provides a safe and...
by CALHN | 15 Dec, 2020 | Central Adelaide LHN Staff
During November we launched ‘thank you’ cards across our sites for patients and their families to help us acknowledge the extraordinary work our staff do, in honour of International Year of the Nurse and Midwife. The response has been overwhelming and some very...
by CALHN | 11 Nov, 2020 | Central Adelaide LHN Staff, Community
During November, in honour of International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, we’re asking our community to join us as we say thank you to our nurses and midwives. Next time you visit the Royal Adelaide Hospital, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or Hampstead Rehabilitation...