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Preventing the revolving door of hospital readmissions with Dr Clementine Labrosciano
Video series: Translating Research In this episode, we hear from Dr Clementine Labrosciano about her research focussing on patients admitted to hospital after a heart attack.We learn that Dr Labrosciano is working to build a reliable way for doctors to support patients at highest risk of...
Focus on innovation, community and partnerships: CALHN’s 2024 World-Class Care Showcase
We are delighted to announce the winners from CALHN’s World-Class Care Quality and Improvement Showcase 2024. Together, the high calibre of the winning (and short-listed) projects clearly demonstrates continual healthcare innovation at CALHN. In the Innovation in Healthcare – Future Focussed...
Unique clinic has positive impact for irritable bowel syndrome
New data reveals the positive impact of a unique service designed for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Delivered at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the referral-only FGiD (functional gastrointestinal disorders) clinic has improved patient experience and access to effective...
How research supports doctor-patient communication with Dr Matheesa Herath
Video series: Translating Research In this episode, we hear about research supporting effective communication between patients and doctors. We learn that Dr Herath and his colleagues are running a trial in hospital outpatient departments looking at a simple prompt sheet as a guide for patients...
Meet the ‘STARnurses’ coordinating a trial to reduce hospital readmission
The first days after going home from hospital can feel scary. Proactive healthcare to support people after they are released from hospital is the focus of a new nurse-led program being trialled at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH). Known as TToMMI (Telehealth Transition of people with...
Reducing radiation risk for patients with head trauma
Research Pulse podcast Season 2 Episode 8 Computed tomography scans, or CT scans, can save lives by enabling early detection of disease and faster diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. But they also expose you to far more radiation than a traditional X-ray. In this episode, we...
Real-time, video-based telehealth delivers multiple benefits: new research
"I caught the plane three times. I caught the ambulance two, three times up here too." That's one experience of a patient living in remote South Australia and having to travel to Adelaide for specialist healthcare. Telehealth can help, says new research. One-on-one interviews conducted as part...
New research reveals the importance of psychosocial care for people with IBD
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic digestive condition that causes disruption to gut function, often leading to debilitating pain, overwhelming tiredness and other physical symptoms. But for people affected, the impacts extend beyond the physical. Taryn Lores is a psychologist and a...
How sensitive heart arteries cause chest pain with Associate Professor Rosanna Tavella
Video series: Translating Research In this episode, we hear about research that is helping patients with a type of chest pain known as angina. We learn that while most angina results from physical blockages in small blood vessels supplying the heart, in about one third of cases no...
And the winner is … innovation! Central Adelaide wins two Premier’s Excellence Awards 2023
Researchers and clinicians from Central Adelaide Local Health Network won two Driving Innovation prizes in the 2023 Premier's Excellence Awards. The innovation categories recognise public servants who have demonstrated commitment and support for new ideas and experimentation or found new ways...
Meaningful impact: Great minds benefit from great mentors
For many early career researchers, a supportive mentor can be a key ingredient for future achievements. Alia Cibich is the Clinical Data Manager at the RAH’s Bone Marrow Transplant and an emerging medical science researcher at the Central Adelaide Local Health Network. She is also this year’s...
How diet can support patient recovery after ICU with Associate Professor Lee-anne Chapple
Video series: Translating Research In this episode, we hear about research aimed at helping patients recover muscle mass lost during a stay in an intensive care unit (ICU). We learn that while more patients are surviving ICU, slow recovery and delayed discharge is common. Importantly,...
We acknowledge and pay respect to the First Nations Kaurna people upon whose ancestral land the Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) provides services.
We acknowledge the relationship and deep feelings of attachment between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and Country, and we acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the many lands from which our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers travel to receive services.
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