
This statement sets out this site’s policies relating to the privacy and security of your personal information and security of your other information. This privacy and security statement applies only to this site.

This site is operated in compliance with the Government of South Australia’s information privacy principles (IPPs), a copy of which can be found within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet Circulars.

This site collects and uses the following information from users:

  • A record of your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes – the user’s IP address, the date and time of the visit to the site, the pages accessed and documents downloaded, the previous website visited and the type of browser used. No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect our service provider’s logs. This information is de-identified and analysed at the end of each month to determine the site’s usage statistics.

If you contact us

  • The site retains the email address of people who send emails through the ‘Contact us’ form, for the purpose of sending a response. They are stored in a secure area within the Government of South Australia’s message services system and will not be used for any other purpose, nor disclosed without your consent.
  • Such information may or may not be personal information for the purpose of the IPPs. Nonetheless, you consent to the use of this information to establish ownership of the material and to enable site administrators to contact website administrators/content owners, to confirm (or not) the website registration and advise them of the link being published on this site. The information is then kept for contact purposes in the course of monitoring site currency. The information is stored in a secure area of the site’s system.
  • This personal information will not be disclosed to a third party except in accordance with the IPPs.
  • Site administrators are required to protect and handle your personal information in accordance with the IPPs.
  • If you choose to subscribe
    Visitors to this site are given the opportunity to subscribe to receive email updates. Registering your email address means we can provide you with further updates on Central Adelaide LHN’s activities. This will include sending you newsletters and information about other things that may interest you and by subscribing you have agreed to us sending you this information or contacting you when the information is necessary to assist with the administration of this website.
  • The information you provide will include your first name, email address and area of interest (general practitioner/ practice manager or community member) will be held in an account created by Central Adelaide with a third party provider for the purposes of managing this distribution list. (for example mailchimp)
  • This site and the Government of South Australia are responsible for the privacy and security of information while it is collected, stored on or passing through this site. The Government of South Australia agencies and instrumentalities are responsible for the privacy and security of information collected by, stored on or passing through their own websites.
  • You should note that there are inherent risks associated with transmission of information via the Internet. You should make your own assessment of the potential risks to the security of your information when making a decision as to whether or not you should utilise this site. There are alternative ways to obtaining information from, and transacting business with, the Government of South Australia for those users who do not wish to use the internet.
  • Please note that this site contains links to a large number of other web sites that are included on the basis of containing content related to South Australian community, business or government. When a user has clicked on a link to another website, they leave this site and this privacy and security statement does not apply to those websites.
  • The content of this privacy and security statement may be updated from time to time, so we suggest that if you return to this site on a regular basis that you carefully read the information provided.

We acknowledge and pay respect to the First Nations Kaurna people upon whose ancestral land the Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) provides services.

We acknowledge the relationship and deep feelings of attachment between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and Country, and we acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the many lands from which our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers travel to receive services.



The Central Adelaide Local Health Network website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2025



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