Improving Aboriginal health
Improving health outcomes for Aboriginal consumers is a priority for Central Adelaide. To achieve this we need to ensure better access and equity and a more culturally appropriate service that is responsive to the needs of Aboriginal consumers.
Our specific priority areas align with the six actions in the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards that focus specifically on meeting the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Central Adelaide LHN’s Strategic ambition document (PDF 4MB) outlines the below priorities in full.
- Clinical governance, governance, leadership and culture
- Organisational leadership
- Safety and quality training
- Creating a safe environment
- Partnering with consumers
- Comprehensive care planning for comprehensive care.
As part of our commitment we have established:
- our Aboriginal employment and retention strategy 2022–2026
- our Listening, Caring, Healing Aboriginal Health Framework and Action Plan 2022-2027
- an Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Hub which works across all our sites and services, to raise awareness and advocate on behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients to assist in providing culturally appropriate services and to achieve good health outcomes
- the Yaitya Marnintyarla Kangka Committee, which is CALHN’s Aboriginal Priority Care Committee, bringing together multi-disciplinary staff and Aboriginal consumers to make sure that the right governance is in place for the network to deliver high quality services, that meet community expectations
- the Aboriginal ‘Consumer’ and ‘Stakeholder’ Groups to provide forums for Aboriginal consumers, stakeholders and organisations to inform the improvement of health services to meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers and communities, and collaborate and establish partnerships to improve the services that CALHN provides, ensuring these services are efficient, sustainable and culturally appropriate.
- an Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan launched in May 2023, that will guide, support and hold us accountable as we uphold our values and make reconciliation a reality.
Central Adelaide strives to build genuine relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, ensuring consumers, staff and volunteers feel welcome and respected, have opportunities for meaningful consultation, and improved access to culturally inclusive and responsive health care services.
We acknowledge and pay respect to the First Nations Kaurna people upon whose ancestral land the Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) provides services.
We acknowledge the relationship and deep feelings of attachment between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and Country, and we acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the many lands from which our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers travel to receive services.
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