CALHN staff working in healthcare


COVID-19 information for Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) health care workers

Who is defined as a healthcare worker?

Reviewed 18 December 2020

A healthcare worker is defined as anyone who delivers care and services within a health care setting who is either directly or indirectly in contact with patients through care or through the provision of services.

Do I have to wear a mask at work?

Reviewed 28 June 2021

From midnight, 29 June 2021, masks are mandatory for people present in health care and aged settings, as well as people working in personal care services.

All CALHN staff are to wear a workplace supplied surgical mask (level 1 mask in non-clinical areas) while on site.

It is encouraged that all people on public transport, taxi’s and passenger-ride share vehicles to wear a mask. If you need to take a mask to safely make your way home, please do the right thing and only take what you genuinely need for this purpose – you are trusted to do the right thing.

Staff who require additional PPE in accordance with their clinical exposure are to adhere to the PPE Matrix.

All visitors to CALHN sites will also be asked to wear a mask while on site.

Our healthcare worker and infection control team have put together a helpful fact sheet on wearing a mask.

What PPE should i use?

Reviewed 18 December 2020

SA Health has a COVID-19 PPE decision matrix. The document provides PPE advice and general infection control recommendations relating to COVID-19 including:

  • when testing patients for COVID-19
  • personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff when providing care
  • room accommodation for the patient

View the latest version here.

Can I work from home?

Reviewed 28 June 2021

Currently there is no work from home order within South Australia.

If you can work from home and are able to do so effectively with your Managers permission, you might want to have a discussion with your manager about a more flexible working arrangement going forward.

Applications for continued or renewed working from home arrangements are to be made via the working from home application form. Approved applications are valid for 30 days, at which time a further application will be required.

Can I work across sites?

Reviewed 18 December 2020

There is currently no restriction on movement between LHN’s or between sites.

A common sense/risk assessment approach should be adopted to minimise/limit movement between sites where this is not required.

Staff that are working in a dedicated COVID-19 facility – whether that is a medi-hotel or a dedicated health facility will not be allowed to work at other facilities or sites.

Am I considered vulnerable staff?

Reviewed 18 December 2020

In areas of sustained low cases of COVID-19, the health advice is that all employees, even those at higher risk of more severe disease, can return to the workplace with appropriate controls in place. Those at higher risk continue to be:

  • People aged over 70; or
  • People with one or more specific pre-existing medical conditions.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples may also be at increased risk of severe disease in any public health emergency and should be considered a priority population when assessing potential risk related to COVID-19. Determination of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment 3.1

Managers should refer to the Australian Department of Health website for the most current list of pre-existing medical conditions which may increase risk.

Managers are to enable self-isolation wherever possible and provide, where appropriate, access to work from home arrangements. Where it is not practicable and appropriate to work from home, COVID-19 special leave with pay will be applied. If COVID-19 special leave with pay is exhausted, access to the employee’s own leave entitlements will be provided to enable the employee to stay at home.

Anyone considered a ‘vulnerable person’ should seek the advice of their medical practitioner on their proposed return to the workplace.

Managers should develop individual workplace COVID-19 management plans for those staff returning to the workplace that may be at higher risk of more severe illness.

Where a vulnerable employee is delivering essential services, a risk assessment must be undertaken. Risk needs to be assessed and mitigated with consideration of the characteristics of the worker, the workplace and the work. Managers must ensure appropriate mitigation of any identified risks as far as is reasonably practicable.

When do I need to self-report?

Reviewed 21 December 2020

If you are a healthcare worker or another staff member who has close patient contact in a hospital/health care setting you should not attend work and need to self-report using the Self-isolation reporting form if any of the following criteria apply:

  • are unwell and are exhibiting symptoms associated with COVID-19; or
  • have been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting results; or
  • have returned from interstate or overseas (see criteria above); or
  • have had close contact with a positive COVID-19 case; or
  • have been advised or directed to self-isolate or be tested for COVID-19

How do I self-report?

Reviewed 18 December 2020

If you are a healthcare worker or another staff member who is undergoing COVID testing (excluding surveillance screening) or have had close patient contact in a hospital/health care setting you should not attend work and need to self-report using the Self-isolation reporting form

Staff who experience / report any of the above must not attend the workplace or must leave immediately if already in the workplace.

Working from home may be permitted if you are otherwise well and alternative duties are available. For specific employment conditions, including details regarding Special Leave With Pay associated with COVID-19 click here.

For further information and assistance health care workers can contact:

Royal Adelaide Hospital
Mon– Fri, 8am -4pm Phone: 0401 689 039 or email

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH)
Mon- Fri, 8am-4pm Phone: 0423 824 010 or email:

After hours urgent HCW related queries
Phone: 0438 976 481



We acknowledge and pay respect to the First Nations Kaurna people upon whose ancestral land the Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) provides services.

We acknowledge the relationship and deep feelings of attachment between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and Country, and we acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the many lands from which our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers travel to receive services.



The Central Adelaide Local Health Network website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2025



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