On 28 April 2022, the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC) for South Australia announced that they will be conducting an evaluation of Central Adelaide Local Health Network.
The evaluation aims to identify areas for improvement, and to the highlight practices, policies and procedures which properly safeguard against corruption.
CALHN’s Chief Executive Officer Professor Lesley Dwyer welcomes the review and the opportunity it presents to inform system improvement.
“As the largest of all the LHNs we provide vital services across the state and this is an opportunity to identify areas for improvement, in particular looking at ways to ensure we have the right systems to properly safeguard against corruption,” said Prof Dwyer.
“Over the last few years CALHN has undergone immense changes to improve our governance and create a culture of integrity and safety.
“The introduction of the Governing Boards and the implementation of the new clinical structure – which bring accountability and decision making closer to patient care – are examples of significant improvements we have made towards becoming a highly reliable organisation.”
The evaluation will include the opportunity for staff, the public and other stakeholders to make written submissions as part of the evaluation. All information provided to the review team will be confidential and will be used to inform general comments within the final report.
The final report will be tabled in Parliament upon competition of the evaluation.
The public statement by Independent Commissioner Against Corruption, can be found on the ICAC website.
The message sent to all CALHN staff by the Governing Board Chair and Chief Executive Officer can be read here.