How sensitive heart arteries cause chest pain with Associate Professor Rosanna Tavella

Video series: Translating Research


In this episode, we hear about research that is helping patients with a type of chest pain known as angina. 

We learn that while most angina results from physical blockages in small blood vessels supplying the heart, in about one third of cases no identifiable physical change can be detected with standard imaging. Importantly,

  • it’s not immediately clear what causes pain symptoms when there is no obvious blockage in heart blood vessels
  • patients with this sort of pain and no blockages have what is referred to as ‘sensitive’ heart arteries 
  • sensitive heart arteries can become reactive or stiffen up in response to changes in blood flow or other stimuli
  • innovative detection methods and treatments are helping these patients maintain a high quality of life. 


About the researcher

Associate Professor Rosanna Tavella is clinical data manager at the Basil Hetzel Institute, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. 


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